Freedom and Independence

You are invited to visit other congregations services throughout this month. Today, our host is the UU Church of Silver Springs, MD (Zoom opens at 10:00 am, Prelude 10:25, Service at 10:30 am)

Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt
Join us this Sunday before the country’s annual 4th of July holiday for a reflective service of poetry and song honoring the tension between independence and mutual dependence.
To join on Zoom, click here:

Meanwhile, the UUSA Board of Trustees has voted unanimously to change the COVID-19 Building Use Policy to “mask optional” in most of the sanctuary when the risk level is low. The new policy will become effective with our first in-person service on August 6, 2023.

A “mask required” area will be maintained on the balcony, next to the windows.  Masks are always welcome.  We look forward to seeing you!

Our new policy will depend on weekly tracking of wastewater using BioBot Analytics COVID-19 website. If wastewater tests remain below 1000 copies/mL in Hampshire County, the UUSA will remain in Low or Green risk level and continue as “mask optional”. If the risk level increases above that level, we will move to “mask required” or more stringent limits, if necessary.  For details, please see the revised policy here:

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