Upcoming Service

Title to be Determined

Five UU congregations in MA have created a summer service consortium. You are invited to attend these services in person or online! Our host on July 28 is First Parish Church in Bedford (MA), 75 Great Road. Website: https://www.uubedford.org Other congregations with online options:  Unitarian Universalist Church of Silver Spring, MD | 10:30am ET | … Continue reading Title to be Determined

Dedicated Offerings

From September to June, our Society donates each month to a dedicated offering recipient and splits 50/50 every Sunday’s offering plate with the recipient organization.

The Dedicated Offering Committee selects non-profit organizations that our Society will support with donations from our Sunday collections. We solicit UUSA’s members for names of organizations through a form which is available in the office and on-line here.

Attention Curious Families!

Check out our Religious Education Program to see if it is right for you!



Love is the spirit of this community.

     We dwell together in peace,

     We seek truth and justice in love,

     We honor everyone’s worth and dignity, and

     We do the work of building the Beloved Community in our world.  





Tiffany Stained Glass Window Video

July 2024 Newsletter



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Upcoming Events

20 Aug

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